Bulk Work Order Creation

BeHome247 allows users to create bulk work orders, which can be done for specific property groups or the entire portfolio.

 There are several reasons this may be necessary. Here are a few examples:

  • Winterizing a property
  • Annual Unit Condition Reports
  • Storm Preparation

These tasks can be efficiently managed and tracked using BeHome247's bulk work order feature, ensuring organized and streamlined project management.

Set your property List:

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Start on the property list and select filters:


All properties – select service type all

Specific property groups – select the relevant group

Please note: you can select one by one using the check box





Select the properties:

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Once the property list is set, select the actions dropdown and hit select All.

Create work orders:

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Select the Actions drop down and hit create work order

Fill out the work information, hit save.

  • AssignScreen Shot 2024-09-24 at 1.26.04 PM to: Select either a generic assignee or individual tech. This can be adjusted after creation.
  • Due Date: Add due date 
  • Notes: Any information for the tech
  • Service Type: Select service type if there is a special service
  • Cost: This can be filled out or left at $0.
  • Severity: Can also be adjusted later.


Manage the work orders from the services tab.