Cleaner (Service Provider): Managing Tasks in the Management Screen

The Management (Housekeeping) Screen in BeHome247 is your go-to tool for managing and editing your tasks. This section allows service providers to edit assignments, review task history, and take additional actions with ease.

Editing an Assigned Cleaner

Once a cleaning task is created and to the service provider, the assignment populates in the Management section located under the Main Navigation menu.

  1. Navigate to Management on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Locate the assignment you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Pencil icon on the right-hand side of the task.
  4. Make the necessary changes:
    Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.21.28 PM
    • Reassign to another cleaner or inspector.
    • Adjust the due date, add notes, or change the type of clean.
    • Modify the cost or the completion status.
    • Update the cleaning process for invoicing purposes.


5. Click Save to apply the changes. 

Bulk Edits:

  1. To make changes to multiple assignments, select the checkbox at the top of the Management  page to choose multiple properties.
    Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.21.53 PM

 2. From the Actions dropdown menu, click Bulk Edit to update assignees, due dates, or other fields for several tasks simultaneously. 

Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.22.03 PM3. Select Save

Additional Edit Assignment Option:

You can also change task assignments directly from the Property List:

If a filter is set for the date, click on the task label to edit the assignee.

Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.22.21 PMSelect the new assignee and hit Save.  

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Reviewing Task History

Task history provides a detailed log of changes made to an assignment.

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Steps to Review Task History:Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.23.04 PM

  1. Navigate to Management on the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Find the assignment you want to review.

  3. Click on the Gear icon on the right-hand side and select Show History.

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This will display all changes made to the task, providing insight into its progression and updates.





Additional Actions in the Services Screen


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Use the Filters option to customize your view and focus on specific tasks. You can filter by:Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 2.24.01 PM

  • Assignee
  • Service Type
  • Status
  • Task Type
  • Due Dates
  • Property Group (using advanced filters)




Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Management Screen used for?

  • The Management Screen is a central hub for managing, editing, and reviewing cleaning tasks. It allows Service Providers to reassign tasks, adjust details, review history, and filter tasks efficiently.

Can I make changes to multiple tasks at once?

  • Yes, you can!
    • Select multiple properties by clicking the checkboxes at the top of the Housekeeping page.
    • From the Actions dropdown menu, select Bulk Edit to make updates to multiple assignments simultaneously.

How do I reassign tasks directly from the Property List?

  • If you have a date filter set, you can click on the task label from the Property List to quickly edit the assignee.

How do I review the history of a task?

  1. Navigate to Management on the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Locate the task you want to review.
  3. Click the Gear icon on the right-hand side and select Show History.
  4. This will display a log of all changes made to the task