How to shorten or extend a reservation

If you're using Property Management Software (PMS), BeHome247 syncs every 10-20 minutes. However, you might need to edit or change a reservation on the spot occasionally. For example, if an owner informs you that they will be departing a day or so early, their unit should be turned in quickly in case of any potential new bookings. You could also encounter a scenario where a guest or owner needs to stay longer. The following process steps will help you handle this:

Shortening a Reservation

1. Navigate to Reservations on the left-hand side menu to change the reservation dates. 

2. Click the Filters option.

Reservations Filters

3. Search for the unit number, place a check on the date range box, and detail the current arrival and departure day. Click Apply Filters.

Reservation Filters example

Note: If your search does not give you the results you were looking for, try spelling out the property’s name in its entirety.

4. Once you find the unit, verify the dates and click the green Edit button on the far right side of the screen.

Edit button reservations

5. Place the new arrival or departure date in the Start and End Date section. 

new arrival departure date reservations

6. Click Save.

7. Notify housekeeping to clean the unit. 

8. Go to the Properties section and search for the unit you were working with.

Property list

Note: Please ensure to clear or update your filters before searching.

9. Once inside the unit’s page, select the Cleaning Finished status.

Cleaning finished

10. Update the status to Clean needed and place the reason for the guest’s departure in the Details field. Choose any users you'd need to notify if needed and click Save

Cleaning needed-1

11. Refresh the page. Your new event should show up on your timeline

Extending a Reservation

1. Please follow steps 1 to 6 from the process above but ensure to extend the dates. 

new arrival departure date reservations

2. Go to the Properties section and search for the unit you were working with.

Property list

3. Once inside the unit’s page, click on the QA finished status button. 

QA Finished properties

4. Update the status to QA needed. Type in that the guest extended their stay and arrived a day early on the Details field. Click Save.

QA needed extend reservation