How to program a code list into a door

A code list can be used to program multiple users into a lock. This feature creates codes that are unrestricted and valid always only. Before programming a code list into a door, you must first create the code list. Check out the steps below to achieve this and later program the created code list into a property door.

1. Navigate to Settings and click on the Code Lists tab.

Code lists settings

2. Click on Add Code List.

Add Code List

3. Type in a list name, code name, and code number. Click Add Code.

Code list names

Note: Adding and deleting codes by editing from inside any existing lists in this tab only updates the code list. It does not program or remove door codes. 

4. Click on Save.

Save button code lists5. Navigate to Properties and mark the checkbox next to the property for which you'll be programming the code list. 

Properties checkmark

6. Select Actions and Program new Code.

program new code properties-png7. Click on the Code List tab and select the created code list from the drop-down menu.

Select code list

8. Click Save.

The code list has been successfully programmed!